Sahara Aalhad
Sahara CFRCAR is a 30 year old organization, whose mission is to empower people facing difficult situations due to substance use and HIV/AIDS/TB. Sahara CFRCAR has implemented a range of strategies to empower people, strengthen poorer & marginalized communities, to encourage safer behavior and to aid in the reintegration of people into society. Sahara CFRCAR projects sites in Pune: A 32 bed inpatient facility Care Home in Wagholi, A Clinic at Yerwada & a Drop in Centre in Pimpri, Nagaland and Hyderabad: Duke Research Project. All of which address either substance use or HIV/AIDS/TB, as well as poverty.
Participant Profile: Elizabeth Selhore (Executive Director)
Elizabeth has been working in the field of empowering vulnerable populations since 1983, when she started working with the UNHCR as a Community Worker in the Refugee Section. During her tenure with Sahara, Elizabeth has initiated non formal schools for street children, Asia’s first AIDS Care Hospice – Michael’s Care Home, a Women and Children’s Shelter, Creche facilities, business enterprise models of income generation, and a pure water project providing drinking water to people in need. Elizabeth has also provided technical support to various UN and governmental bodies across the region in her field of expertise with women who use drugs.