IST | 09:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Reimagining Post-Pandemic Community Healthcare
In this session, three critical areas within the health sector will be explored:
IST | 11:30 AM – 01:30 PM
Building Financial Resilience
In this session, the importance of and approach towards financial planning will be explored. NGO leaders will get an opportunity to test the financial strength of their organisations and also help them take stock of their current financial needs and situation. They will also explore how they can use this information to make data-backed and sustainable financial decisions. (CLOSED DOOR | INVITE ONLY)
IST | 02:30 PM – 04:00 PM
GMT | 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM |
Let's Go Home: A Family For Every Child In India Session Partner: UBS Optimus Foundation The National Policy for Children 2013 states that all children have the right to grow in a family environment, in an atmosphere of happiness, love, and understanding, but we are far from that reality today. Within a larger block of approximately 172 million children at risk, India is estimated to have nearly 35 million children in need of care and protection, with the pandemic only worsening the situation. Over the years, even though the significant recognition and evolution of child rights in India has resulted in a strengthened child protection system, there is much to be done to strengthen practice, particularly as it relates to the prevention of harm through community and family-based measures and enablement of family-based care. This session brings together key funders and experts to shed light on the issue and discuss some emerging recommendations on how we can strengthen prevention (of separation and consequent institutionalisation of children) and family-based care and encourage active discussion among participants. (CLOSED DOOR | INVITE ONLY)
IST | 05:00 PM – 06:30 PM
EDT | 07:30 AM – 09:00 AM GMT | 11:30 AM – 01:00 PM |
Pay What It Takes for Impact: From Insights To Action
Session Partner: The Bridgespan Group
The Pay What It Takes (PWIT) India initiative aims to break the chronic cycle of underfunding of NGOs in India. Anchored by The Bridgespan Group, PWIT has brought together four leading philanthropies: ATE Chandra Foundation, CIFF, EdelGive Foundation, and Ford Foundation. PWIT has conducted one of the first mixed-methods researches focused on social sector funders in India, covering CSR and philanthropic funder policies, practices, behavioural drivers as well as areas of convergence and divergence between funder and NGO beliefs on true-cost funding, organisational development (OD), and financial resilience.
This session will present the findings of the research conducted by PWIT, the three distinct funder archetypes that emerged in this endeavour, discuss recommendations and implications for each as they continue to strive for greater impact in the sector as well as insights on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in NGO funding. It will also provide a preview of an OD Toolkit being developed by the PWIT initiative in collaboration with five leading intermediaries including Dasra, Dhwani Foundation, Samhita, Sattva, and Toolbox – that aims to be a one-stop starting point for India’s funders, NGOs, and intermediaries. |