Radharani has masterminded several clutter-breaking campaigns such as the Condom Ringtone; the TB Superhero Bulgam Bhai and Ek-Teen-Do for birth spacing. Her work on BBC Media Action’s mHealth innovations, Mobile Kunji, Mobile Academy and Kilkari is being scaled up nationally by the Government of India. She also created the Mr. Plan-Plan series at the height of the Ebola epidemic in Africa. Her efforts have won several prestigious global awards at Cannes, GSMA World Mobile Congress, Global Health Awards, FICCI Healthcare Awards, Vodafone Mobile for Good Award, mBillionth Award, to mention a few.
Currently she is leading the creation of AdhaFULL, the whodunit TV drama on gender and adolescent empowerment, now the top serial on Doordarshan attracting over a million viewers per episode.
Currently she is leading the creation of AdhaFULL, the whodunit TV drama on gender and adolescent empowerment, now the top serial on Doordarshan attracting over a million viewers per episode.